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C64 Analyzer Cartridge

The successor to the highly popular and beloved SYSTest64 is the new "C64 Analyzer Cartridge," which makes testing much easier and offers even more possibilities that were previously not possible.

This not only simplifies repairs without special electronics for "Black Screen" defects on the C64 but also allows for very convenient on-the-go testing of a C64. Signal or frequency measurements, which normally require an oscilloscope, are now largely a thing of the past because all important signals and frequencies are measured precisely, and the status is displayed directly on the OLED display. Short circuits and pull-up resistors are also rudimentarily checked. Additionally, the PHI2 delay time in relation to PHI0 is displayed in nanoseconds.

The entire memory test, as well as ROM chip tests, are now possible without a C64 monitor. To take it a step further, the C64 startup sequence can be displayed after a reset via USB to a computer with a local HTML webpage accessed in a Chrome browser. A table displays the complete address and data byte startup sequence and compares it with an original byte sequence. This allows testing to determine whether the startup/reset process is functioning properly or if there are any issues. In addition to these basic functions, work is underway on further functions and tests that will be implemented in new firmware versions.


To test old and new C64 hardware the "SYSTest64" module exists, which offers numerous test possibilities in one. All tests are controlled centrally via a ProMicro, an OLED display and a Micro-Button. A completely automatic test as well as single test areas can be selected. Thus it is also possible to test only one problem area very quickly, without having to wait for other unimportant tests. In addition to the normal harness tests, the address and data bus as well as system signals can be visually checked with the help of LEDs. In advance of the actual tests, the OLED display is used to check certain signals that are vital for a working C64, and whether these signals are present.

In addition to this, the 512KB ROM also houses several other test programs, such as:

- Visual Keyboard, Joystick,Paddles/Mouse Test
- SID Address Test
- Display Quality Test
- MIDI Test

Two free ROM slots for own ROM programs are also available, which can be started via the OLED menu.

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